
How to Achieve Better Social Media Integration for Your Site

If you haven’t already realized that social media plays a huge part in the way people use the Internet in 2015, you really should question whether you should be online at all. Social media is huge, and the results that it can give your business are phenomenal. But how do you merge your website with the wonderful world of Tweets, Shares and Likes? Thankfully, the answer is not as mysterious as you might think.

There are a few simply tweaks that you can make in order to get the biggest bang out of your social media buck. Here we examine some of the best things that you can do in order to make your website more social media friendly:

1) Make it easy for visitors to share

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While this may seem like a complete no-brainer, it never ceases to amaze how many people either ignore this simple tweak or make it so difficult for users they may as well have not bothered at all. Placing easy to see social buttons on your website can help your users become evangelists for your brand. Give them the tools and they will go forth and multiply your traffic for you. Why wouldn’t you want that?

There are numerous plugins available these days that do a stunning job of putting your social media buttons in exactly the right places. Find one that suits your site and fire it up!

2) Put your fans on your site

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There are now many ways to include a Facebook or Twitter feed onto your site and by doing so you will be incorporating your fan base into your online presence. People love to see themselves represented, so by giving them a shout out online you will be building loyalty that will last and keep your content engaging too.

If people share pictures of your goods or service, highlight them and let them know. The likelihood is that they will share it again, giving your brand further exposure.

3) Give them a social sign-in option

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Giving your users a fast way to sign into your site is great for speeding up the process and it gives them a simple way to connect with your brand via social media. It also gives you access to data that would otherwise be unavailable to you and research shows that users who sign-in via a social media option will spend more time and more money on your site as opposed to a traditional sign-in method.

4) Give users gentle reminders


Placing little reminders to share your content, product or service throughout the purchasing process will give your users a chance to share what you want them to with their friends and followers. Try not to be too pushy, but make sure that your social share facilities are well represented throughout the checkout or opt-in stream.

5) Show them what others are buying

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Incorporating a trending module into your web page will allow users to see what is currently hot with other users. This will not only give them an idea of what others are buying, it will also bring things to their attention that they may not of otherwise been aware of.

There you have it, five easy to implement tweaks that you can use today in order to make your website more social. Having a reliable VPS service will get you online and in front of your customers, but these tweaks will make all of the difference to how those customers share your content with others.

The best thing about this is that, providing your content makes the grade, they will begin to do the donkeywork of promoting your content for you. Having a few of these evangelists onside can do wonders for growth, so nurture these relationships right from the start.

That’s it. Four simple things to get you started with your first foray into the world of websites. While a lot of the other questions you’ll have will be important, by following these four steps at the start you will be well on your way to creating a website that will not only stand out, but also stand the test of time.

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