
Most Fun and Efficient Transport Tech for Adults in 2018

The automobile industry has undergone some of the most critical inventions in the last 150 years or so. Not only does this mean convenient personal transportation and great independence, but it also means that transportation problems are solved almost weekly. For instance, city organizers concerned with air pollution, traffic congestion and the expansion of roads are gently encouraging the use of these personal transportation vehicles.

At a personal level, using a car is not always the best choice, especially when you consider the escalating car maintenance and fuel costs. Fortunately, technology is not only transforming travel, it is also making personal transportation easier than ever before. Below are a few personal transportation tech innovations that are not only fun to use, but they are also effective, easier on your wallet, safe and healthy – even on the environment.

The Electric Scooter

Electric scooters draw hordes of investors and users — but a number of critics as well

If you are looking for the option of avoiding the hassle associated with parking a car, an electric scooter is a great choice for you. In fact, there is no motivation not to go electric, and the electric scooter options available are well designed and built without sacrificing speed.

The electric scooter is available in a wide variety of innovative designs, including foldable electric scooters for easy storage in public transportation or at the workplace. These scooters feature handlebars and handbrakes, making maintaining balance child’s play. Furthermore, electric scooters are affordable and there is no steep learning curve – so, you can start riding one as soon as tomorrow!

The Electric Skateboard


Okay, using this transportation technology does require you to have a bit of daredevil DNA in you, especially if you have no skating experience. Conversely, electric skateboards feature longboards that are self-powered, making it easier for you to zip down the street compared to using the traditional skateboard.

Most electric boards come with an external battery and motor mounted under them. Other models feature motors that are directly fixed to the wheels – ideal if you prefer inconspicuous battery powered cruising.

The market is also full of electric skateboard conversion kits that allow you to convert your existing board easily. Some advantages of these boards include:

The Self-Balancing Unicycle

Self Balancing DUAL-Wheel Electric Unicycle Scooter! – REVIEW

Self-balancing electric unicycles, also known as electric unicycles, are some of the most portable Electric Personal Transportation Devices (EPTDs) on the market. These tech vehicles feature large wheels, which enables you to ride them over potholes, yards, earth and even rocky streets. The unicycle is available in various wheel sizes that range from 12 inches to 16 inches, but you will also find larger wheels on the market.

High-end electric unicycles feature more braking power for added safety and powerful motors for navigating especially bad roads. Due to their limited footprint, weight and size, these vehicles are great for numerous purposes. For example, you can use the unicycle for cruising through campus, commuting, walking an over-energetic dog, or simply shopping in the mall.


The diversity of electric personal transportation devices has extended impressively in the last couple of years to battery innovation changes. A few years ago, you only had the option of riding a bicycle or a motorcycle – one was painfully slow to drive and the other costly. At present, there are numerous battery driven modes of transportation to choose from.

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