
Awesome Free Apps For Getting More Music In Your Life

You can say a lot about the joys of music. It’s the essence of life, it’s the language we all understand, and when it hits you, you feel no pain. Since music enhances all of our lives, it never hurts to get a little more. And what better way to enjoy music than with your smartphone or tablet?

There are many apps which let you get more out of music. You probably already have a few for listening to your favorite tracks. But listening isn’t the only way you can enjoy music on your device- you can also discover new music and even play it. Here are some awesome apps to check out.


How to Shazam a Song That’s Already on Your Phone

Ever been in that situation when a song you love is playing in a bar but you can’t remember its name? Or perhaps you hear a great new track at the gym but have no idea who it’s by. It’s something that can bother you all day and leave you trying to Google scraps of lyrics to find it. Luckily, there’s an app to help.

Shazam is a fascinating music app that can identify the songs playing around you. All you have to do is open it up, press the button, and it’ll identify whatever it hears. It’s surprisingly accurate and can recognize a huge database of tracks. You’ll never have to worry about figuring out a song’s name again with this on your phone!

Virtual Piano

The Piano is an excellent instrument to learn. But getting the instrument and lessons can be costly. The good news is if you want to start playing, and have fun doing it, you can do it right from your computer or smartphone!

You could try out the Virtual Piano web app instead. You don’t need to download it- just open it up in any computer or smartphone browser and start playing. The site also includes instructions so you can learn as you play.

Spotify And Deezer

11 More Awesome Spotify Tips and Tricks You’re Probably Not Using

When it comes to listening to your favorite tracks and finding new ones to suit your style, these are the two top apps. Both provide massive libraries of streaming music to dig into. If you want to use them for free, you’ll have to put up with some annoying ads- but it’s worth it for what you get.

Both also let you find new music to cater to your tastes. Just put in an artist or song that you like, and it’ll find you tons of similar ones you might enjoy. You can also check out various playlists for different moods or even create your own.

To get more out of these apps, use them with cool audio gadgets like noise-cancelling headphones for a greater listening experience. You could also subscribe to their services for seamless ad-free music.

Sing! Karaoke

Sometimes, you just feel like singing. Whether you’re in the shower or the car, jamming out to your favorite tracks just makes you feel good. You can have even more fun with it using one of these Best Karaoke Apps.

The Sing Karaoke app lets you sing along to a bunch of popular hits. You can record your efforts and even share them online! It’ll give you tons of enjoyment- especially when you try it with friends.

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