
Create The Ultimate Gaming Area In Your Home

All men deserve their own space, from time to time. Their own place to call their own and retreat to just have a little quality ‘bloke time’. So if you’ve been wondering what to do with your neglected and cluttered garage, basement or spare room for a while, why not turn into into the ultimate gaming man cave?

With so many awesome gadgets and gaming systems on the market at the moment, creating an area in your home where you can keep all your favourite tecchie equipment and all your guy stuff is something you probably should have done a long time ago.

Whether you live alone and just want a dedicated tech and gadgets room, to stop it all spilling out into the rest of your home. Or whether you have kids and just want to create an area, that is just for you, somewhere where all your gadgets and equipment is safe, then a man cave could be just the solution you’re looking for.

All men deserve a little dedicated ‘man’ space in the house. A place where you can chill, unwind and play with your favourite techie gadgets and gizmos. So, with that in mind, here are our simple tips on turning any space, in your home, into a tip top man cave, fit for gaming royalty.

Gaming Area

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So first things first you need to create an area for all your gaming equipment and tecchie objects. This should be the central focus for your room, because let’s face it, man caves are all about gaming and feeding into our guilty pleasures. So you are going to want to start with the gaming zone and then work the rest of the room around this central area.

You will want to set up your screen high on the main wall. It will want to be at a level that works for when you are seated and also for those computer games that have you up and jumping around the room, so go for a medium eye level.

You will want to place your gaming chair in the centre of the room, directly in front of your screen. Your ‘man cave throne’ if you will, will want to take centre stage in your new space so if you don’t already have a proper gaming chair, then you are going to want to look into getting one. Have a look at the cheap gaming chairs that out-perform the others online and see which ones you prefer and the ones that fit in with the overall look and feel of your room.

You will then want to find an attractive shelving unit that will be able to house all your gaming systems, games, gadgets and all your technological items. Storing them all away, means not only does your gaming station look super organised and chic, it will also mean you can keep on top of where everything is and can have all your favourite tecchie items close at hand, whenever you need.

Chill Out Area

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Ok, so the number one priority, the gaming area, is now sorted so you are now going to look at the next most important area on your list. The Chill zone. You are now going to want to create a really chilled, comfortable and super relaxing, entertainment zone.

The equipment for your entertainment zone, such as blue ray player, internet router, DVD’s, should all be stored in the same storage shelving system as all your gaming equipment. Again keeping all the technological items neatly together will keep the room looking really organised and tidy. But your chill zone should have a different seating area to your gaming seat. You will want to be looking at a really comfortable sofa, armchair or even bean bags to create an area where you can really relax and unwind. You should also think about a small table, where you can put a lamp for reading, or just for a little extra light, and a place where you can put a few extra items on, if necessary.

If you’re concerned that you just can’t afford all these new items, new TV, sofa, coffee tables, armchairs, then why not just look at building these items up over time. You will probably be surprised at how many of these items you can pull from other areas of the house, without spending a penny. With so many second hand apps out there aswell, there really has ever been a cheaper time to find really attractive home items for a slice of the price we pay in the shops.

Mini Sports

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A man cave would not be a man cave without a few mini sports games thrown in for good measure. So why not give your man space a sporty and athletic vibe by introducing a few miniature sports games area so that you can blow off a bit of steam from time to time. Great indoor sports games come in many shapes and varieties with the cream of the crop being miniature basketball hoops, football table and mini golf pitch and putts.

Think about what your favourite sports are and then jump online and see what minature versions you can have fitted out in your man space for a really cool and sporty mood. With so many awesome miniature football tables, electrical pitt and putt machines, pool tables punching bags and weights you can easily turn one corner of your new space into a really active and sporty area for you to spend a little time in the evenings getting your sport on.

Beer O Clock

Five Beers Brewed For Gamers

So, now that you’ve got your man cave looking really awesome, with all your gadgets, sports gear and entertainment system all set, it’s probably about time that you add something that will really finish it all off. All the work involved in creating a great man space will surely have you working up quite a thirst, so why not think about building in a bar area? Building a bar can be super simple and is definitely a really easy DIY job that you will be able to take on yourself.

A home bar is a great way for you to be able to relax with a nice cold, refreshing beer at the end of a hard day. It is also a great addition to the space should you want to invite your mates back for an evening of serious gaming. Having a place where you and mates can chill and enjoy a few beers, without having to go backwards and forwards to the kitchen is really going to take your gaming room up to the next level.

It doesn’t even need to cost that much either. All you need to do is find a few wooden pallets, nail them together, paint them so they are in keeping with the overall style of the room. You will then be able to store your drinks within the back of the palettes, neatly tucked out of site. You can hang up a shelf behind the bar on the wall to showcase your finest liquors and then you can store away a small fridge to keep your beers and mixers nice and cool.

There are some fantastic DIY videos online showing you how to build a home bar, so jump online and start looking at how simple they are to create and the different styles that you can create depending on the overall vibe you want in your brand new gaming room.

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