
Afghan Wireless Unveils Its New AWCC SuperWiFi Network

Afghan Wireless, the creation of Ehsan Bayat, has unveiled its new AWCC SuperWiFi network. This new dedicated high-speed network will enable individuals and companies to connect to the Internet in a secure and efficient manner throughout the metropolitan region of Kabul as far north as the outlying suburb of Bagram.

Plans for a Nationwide High-speed Wireless Network

While service is limited at the moment to this particular region, plans are afoot to extend the coverage provided by the AWCC SuperWiFi network to other areas in the country over the course of the next few years. The results achieved by the implementation of a new high-speed wireless network over the whole of the country could lead to new developments in business communication that could work wonders in restoring its economy and infrastructure.

High-speed Network Coverage Has Been a Long Time Coming

What Is “Super Wi-Fi”?

High-speed network coverage has been a long time coming to the nation of Afghanistan. Most of the country is presently covered by 2G network plans offered by various Internet service providers, with a slightly larger territory (Kandahar and Kabul) being covered by higher grade 3G network plans. However, a recent upgrade in security and stability throughout the country has enabled tech providers, such as Afghan Wireless and others, to begin thinking on a truly nationwide scale.

How the AWCC SuperWiFi Network Will Affect the Nation

The release of the new AWCC SuperWiFi network is bound to impact the nation in a number of highly visible ways. For example, while most of the nation is already covered by relatively advanced 2G networks, the introduction of an extremely efficient high-speed network, available on a 24 hour per day, 7 days a week basis, is bound to create a new culture of fast wireless communication that local and international businesses based in the region can take full advantage of.

Improved Security and Efficiency Are the Keys to Progress

While at present limited in its scope, the new AWCC SuperWiFi network is already providing Afghan Wireless users with a completely new level of security and efficiency. The network makes use of a specially formulated double password log in system that guarantees maximum security for the user, as well as any data they may transmit over the network. The advantage that this secure log in system gives to businesses that are engaged in sharing top-secret industrial or personal information cannot be underestimated.

The “Super Secure” Log in Protocol

The “Super Secure” log in protocol that the AWCC SuperWiFi network utilizes is truly the most advanced system that any wireless service provider in Afghanistan has ever attempted to implement. By transmitting fixed base, as well as mobile, high-speed broadband services to homes and offices across the present region of coverage, Afghan Wireless is embarking on a new regime of Internet access that is ultimately designed to blanket the entire nation.

Easy Accessibility across All Platforms

One of the most important features of the AWCC SuperWiFi network is its quick and easy accessibility across all platforms. These include smartphones, Androids, tablets, laptops, and PCs of all descriptions.

International Access Is Assured

International access to the AWCC SuperWiFi network has already been fully assured by the company. While the network is only functional in selected regions of the country, those who possess the network on their devices can use it to reach nearly anywhere in the world. The possibilities for conducting personal calls, conference calls, and other related activities on a secure, high-speed basis are endless. This ensures that the reach of the network will extend far beyond the nation’s borders.

With International Access Comes World Wide Renown

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With the international access afforded by the success of the AWCC SuperWiFi network comes a welcome burst of worldwide renown. A host of individuals and companies from the region have managed to make positive headlines at a time when such optimistic developments are extremely welcome. By doing so, they have done an inestimable service to their nation, as well as to the generation that will follow them.

Technological Efficiency Is a Barometer of Prestige

It should be understood by even the most casual reader that the technological capability and efficiency of a nation is a serious barometer of its strength and prestige. By providing the nation of Afghanistan with reliable high-speed Internet service, the AWCC SuperWiFi network has not only achieved a remarkable technological breakthrough, but has also laid the groundwork for a renewed flowering of the nation’s entrepreneurial spirit.

Laying the Groundwork for a National Renewal

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The effect that a major technological breakthrough has on a nation’s self-confidence and international prestige is a reliable indicator of its ability to renew itself after long years of crisis and calamity. The fact that the AWCC SuperWiFi network represents only the latest in a long series of wireless communications developments in Afghanistan is a testament to the strength of the human, as well as merely entrepreneurial, spirit.

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