
Why Your Tech Business Needs a Minimal Logo Design

Think of your favorite tech brands. Apple, Uber, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Amazon and co, all have simple logos. On the high street, some of the most recognizable outlets like McDonald’s have similarly simple logos. Since these brands did not have unlimited graphic design at their disposal, they are straightforward designs, with minimal use of imagery and colors, and many have them have been the same, or similar for a long time. The ones that have changed have often got simpler. Look at Starbucks. Over the years their logo has morphed from a detailed image to the simple, easy to recognize picture that we know today: fewer lines, less detail and a bolder image. If someone asked you to picture a logo, the first ones that come to mind would often be the simplest. 

Brand and industry experts widely agree that when it comes to compelling logos, less is more, and minimal logos are usually the ones that we remember. But, that doesn’t mean that your logo isn’t crucial. When starting a tech business, it’s worth taking the time to create the right logo and branding. With that in mind, here are some of the benefits of a simple design shared by experienced logo companies from the Theymakedesign blog.

Easy to Recognize

As people, we crave simplicity. Our brains are always filled with information, memories and feelings. There’s a lot going on. In the modern world, where we spend so much time online, this is even worse as we are constantly bombarded with branding. It can all be a lot to take in, and so we seek out easy things. Our brains remember the easy stuff. We recognize them because we don’t have to think about them. 

Even if you forgot an uncomplicated logo, and couldn’t recall it on demand, it would come back to your quickly if someone started talking about it, if you saw something related to the brand, or a section of it from a distance. Alternatively, when you see the logo that your brain instantly recognizes, relevant information and everything else that you know about the company comes flooding back. Simple logos work so well and are so popular because we remember them. 

Works Well Across Different Platforms

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A complicated logo with words, intricate patterns and non-standard shapes, isn’t always scalable. It might work well on one platform, where a square profile picture is needed. But, what about if you needed to turn it into a circle or rectangle? Would it still fit? Would it look good?

Complex and detailed images need to be large to look their best. If you took a picture with lots of details and shrunk it right down, how would it look? If you couldn’t make out the detail in the image, would it make sense? Would it be recognizable? Or, would it just look messy?

Simple logos are easy to make bigger or smaller. You can change the shape and size without worrying about losing quality or that all-important recognizability.

It’s Hard to Copy

10 Common Mistakes In Logo Design

A simple logo is easy to copy. That’s one of its advantages. People can draw it quickly if they want to show it to someone else. It can quickly become a cultural icon. Think of all the children that have doodled a Nike tick on their school books or pencil cases. 

But, this actually makes it much harder to copy when it matters. Another company couldn’t possibly copy your logo and hope that no one notices. People will notice. They couldn’t try to say that it’s similar, but not the same. People would see. You’d have a much better case when seeking out copyright infringements

A Simple Logo Inspires Emotions

50 Simple, Yet Clever Logo Designs for Inspiration and Ideas

As a growing business, one of your most difficult and important tasks is getting people to feel. You don’t just want them to think about your company coldly. You want to build emotional connections. You want them to feel things when they think about your brand, see your branding or come into your store. You want them to love you. This will increase loyalty and help you to build positive associations. A simple logo inspires emotion much more than a complicated one. When we see simple logos, we don’t have to think. The memories and associations come; we are free to feel. 

Your logo is one of the first ways that customers and potential customers recognize your company. It’s worth taking your time to get it right, even hiring help, or commissioning a specific design. Many people find that simple doesn’t necessarily mean easy. In fact, you might find it easier to start with a more complicated design and strip it away bit by bit until it looks right.

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