
How SMBs Can Keep Quality, Cut Costs

A large number of business owners just want to focus on creating their product or providing their special service. However, no matter the industry, running a business is also about making money. If you can’t do that, you won’t keep the doors open for long. Great entrepreneurs find novel ways to save money without skimping on their offerings.

Here are a few ways to maintain quality while cutting costs.

Buy in Bulk, But Only When It Makes Sense

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It’s a generally known that it’s cheaper to purchase things in large quantities. This applies to essentially all goods. Sometimes we’re tempted to buy in bulk when it’s not totally necessary. For example, you don’t want to buy a bunch of perishable food en masse. If it doesn’t get eaten, you’ll probably end up having wasted that money. On the other hand, things that don’t go bad—such as printer paper, or office chairs—will be cheaper if you can buy them in bulk.

It’s typically easier for larger companies to get really good deals from suppliers because they can afford to buy more at once. If you’re a small business, this puts you at another disadvantage. Still, you should try to form agreements with other local businesses where you pool resources to buy things in bulk together. Doing so might be beneficial for all involved.

Renegotiate Contracts with Suppliers

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On the same token as the previous point, you might want to try talking to your supplier about renegotiating prices. They don’t want to lose your business. You’ll both be better off if you can find some kind of happy medium where you get a slightly more affordable deal for your budget. If they’re not willing to work with you, it might be time to start shopping around for new vendors.

Find the Right Web Hosting Platform

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Some people assume that you need to build a website from the ground up in order to compete in the business world. While a lot of larger companies do this, it’s absolutely not necessary. Web hosting platforms have gotten a lot better in recent years. It’s now possible to create a website that looks totally professional without blowing your budget thanks to affordable solutions like Yahoo Small Business. Better yet, you can choose from a variety of customizable themes that will help make your business stand out. Services like these will also set you up with a domain name and business email address, so you’ll have a professional online presence from top to bottom.

Make Your Advertising More Targeted

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You’ll have a difficult time attracting new customers if you completely cut your advertising budget. If you’re really counting pennies, you need to make sure you’re getting the most out of marketing campaigns. Part of this comes down to doing a better job of effectively targeting your audience. Maybe you don’t already have clear-cut parameters for your ideal customer. This is something you need to investigate by combing through analytics data and consumer surveys—as well as engaging in other strategies such as social listening.

By spending your advertising dollars more efficiently through more targeted marketing, you should in turn get greater returns.

Look at Recurring Costs

Reduce Your Business Operating Costs

There are some things that you need to spend money on to run a business. Rent, utilities, web hosting, snack deliveries and insurance are all prime examples. You’ll be able to come up with a variety of other recurring costs that are specific to your industry. Try to get the absolute best deal possible on these things. When you’re spending money month after month on something, even small deductions can make a big difference over time.

Evaluate Possible Consolidations

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Managers are often hesitant to engage in too much consolidation. Employees start getting upset when they feel the rug is being yanked out from under their feet. At the end of the day, consolidation can save your organization heaps of money, which might be necessary to ensure its survival. You need to take a balanced approach to consolidation. Think about how you can combine certain positions—or oversight of departments. This will make your workforce more efficient. You can also try to consolidate one-off days—such as having a seminar on the same day as your holiday party. Doing so limits lost time and saves you money!

Finding novel ways to save money for your business isn’t always fun. But it’s necessary to ensure the health and wellbeing of your organization. Consider these strategies for maintaining quality while cutting costs.

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