
Maker Box Quarterly DIY Subscription Box Review! #MKR01

So a new thing we are doing here at infiniGEEK is subscription box reviews! This week our friends over at sent us an amazing box full of DIY goodies called the “Maker Box”. There is a new box every 3 months so you may not get this specific box that I am reviewing but expect to get a great box with goodies of similar quality and value!

What’s in the box?

This Maker Box is curated by Boing Boing‘s Mark Frauenfelder – and is focused on the maker movement of DIY projects we see (and cover here) around the net. If you are remotely interested in doing things yourself at home and have some technical skills that you can apply to making things happen (or just want to learn something new) then you will be very excited by these items!

Inside the box is a very nice welcome letter, a free 3 month trial to Skillshare to sharpen your skills, A Farmcurious fermenting set to grow your own fermented probiotic pickles in a mason jar, DIY Thirsty plant kit that let’s you create a diy solar powered moisture sensor, and a MAKEY MAKEY! Makey Makey is the invention kit that allows you to turn every day objects into a touchpad controller!


My kids and I had a great time exploring this DIY box, we’ve setup some soon to be fermented pickles, and we are watering our house plant the smart way with our moisture sensor – and we have even been turning bananas and other fruit/objects into touchpads! It’s a great learning experience for kids and it’s Fun!

If you want to pick up your very own maker box then be sure to head over to and grab your own maker box! The price is $100 per box for the maker box – but they also offer many different types of subscription boxes that are swapped out every quarter (every 3 months).

Have you tried the maker box? Do you like subscription boxes? What is your favorite? Let us know in the comments below!

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