
How To Maintain A Safe Work Environment

Now more than ever, it’s important for organizations to maintain a safe work environment and make this a top priority. As we try to reduce the number of coronavirus cases, you as an employer should be doing everything you can to help slow down the spreading of COVID-19 in the workplace by ensuring you have the correct measures in place

As we try to get to grips with these new safety procedures, we must not forget about standard health and safety practices to ensure the well-being of all employees. Here are five ways you can maintain a safe work environment in your business. 

Ensure all employees are trained properly

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It’s important to provide all employees with the correct level of health and safety training. This should be given to all new workers and you can also give updated training to workers who have been there for a long time as a way to refresh their memory, or if they have switched roles within the organization. You can also set up courses via email to be sent to employees which they have to watch videos on and answer a series of questions. 

Implement a drug-free workplace program

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For a more productive and safer environment for all workers, you should consider implementing a drug-free workplace program. You won’t have to manage it, as there are places that take care of that for your company. But programs can include introducing a drug-free workplace policy, educating employees, on-site drug testing, supervisor training, and secure online reporting. By having random computerized tests, it helps make your business safer and happier, and testing only takes around 15 minutes for each employee. 

Remove potential hazards

Ensure your workplace complies with OSHA standards, rules, and regulations and make sure it is free from physical and chemical hazards. Place signage around the building to remind workers about things such as avoiding slips, trips, and falls, and about forklift safety and safe backing procedures. Employees should report any issues or safety violations and the proper steps should be taken to get the problem resolved straight away. 

Encourage stretch breaks

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Try to create a good, ergonomic work environment as this can prevent back and neck injuries. To help improve employee health you should encourage workers to take breaks. Employees should take a five-minute stretch break to relieve muscle tension and loosen joints. This can help reduce potential injuries involving repetitive motion. You should also encourage eye breaks if workers sit at computers for long periods, and rest breaks where employees get up and move around. 

Provide employees with the proper equipment

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All employees should be given the right tools and equipment and should know how to use these safely. Make sure the equipment is cleaned, serviced, and has regular safety inspections as this can make the workplace much safer. You should ensure the workplace has plenty of signage to help reinforce the message of injury prevention. 

Looking after your employee’s health and safety and ensuring the correct regulations are adhered to can help your organization maintain a safe workplace. 

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