
3 Major Ways to Combat Global Warming at Home

Global warming continues to threaten our existence and future. If you’re concerned about stopping global warming, discover methods for making a meaningful difference. 

Guarantee a better tomorrow by taking action and implementing changes at home. 

Here are 3 major ways to combat global warming at home:

Become an Advocate for Change 

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Become an advocate for change to combat global warming. 

Learn about global warming to guarantee you share accurate and meaningful facts. Global warming involves the rapid increase of the Earth’s surface temperature as a result of greenhouse gases stopping heat from escaping the atmosphere. Gases contributing to the greenhouse effect primarily include carbon dioxide and other dangerous pollutants.

Fossil fuels are responsible for releasing greenhouse gas emissions during production. Fossil fuels are heavily depended on for electricity, transportation, and much more, equalling about 84% of the world’s energy generation. 

Once you understand global warming, openly discuss the problems to spread awareness, educate the public, and inspire positive change. Talk about global warming with your family, friends, neighbors, and coworkers. Voice your opinion regarding global warming on social media, including Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter. Contact your elected officials to suggest and encourage advantageous policy. 

Start your fight against global warming by becoming an advocate for change. 

Live Sustainably 

Live sustainably to successfully decrease global warming. Sustainability refers to meeting your own needs without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their needs. Essentially, sustainable lifestyles involve reducing your use of the earth’s natural resources to reduce your carbon footprint.

Live sustainably by evaluating and altering your daily habits at home.

Monitor Energy Usage 

Recycling Is Not The Answer To The E-Waste Crisis

Monitor your home’s energy usage to promote a sustainable lifestyle. 

Perform an energy audit to understand your home’s specific energy usage and proactively change your habits. An average home uses 46% of energy for air conditioning and heating, 14% for water heating, 13% for appliances, 9% for lighting, and 4% for electronics.

Discover methods and maintenance for conserving your home’s energy to decrease greenhouse gas emissions, including:

Monitor and alter your home’s energy usage to limit global warming. 

Eliminate Waste 

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Eliminate waste to successfully combat global warming. 

On average, people generate 4.9 pounds of trash every day, resulting in about 292.4 million tons produced nationally every year. The absurd amount of waste piles up in landfills, increasing pollution and contributing to global warming. 

Limit your waste creation to reduce your home’s carbon footprint. Primarily, eliminate waste by purchasing reusable items, such as water bottles, plates, and storage containers, as well as recycling. About 75% of the waste generated is recyclable, but only 30% of it is actually recycled, so check every item before throwing it away to see if it’s recyclable.

Understand tips for eliminating waste to drastically change your habits and create change. 

Choose Renewable Energy

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Power your home using renewable energy to significantly combat global warming.

Traditional forms of electricity, such as coal, oil, and natural gas, are responsible for emitting harmful gases into the atmosphere. Renewable energy offers a cleaner and greener alternative for decreasing pollution to improve air quality and public health as well as avoiding dangerous emissions to stop global warming. Types of renewable energy include sunlight, wind, and water.

Using Solar Power 

A breakthrough approaches for solar power

Power your home using solar power to choose an environmentally-friendly energy alternative. 

Solar power involves converting sunlight into usable electricity using photovoltaic technology. Access solar power by installing a solar power system, which costs anywhere between $10,000 and $40,000 for equipment and installation. 

Alternatively, receive solar power by joining a community solar project. Community solar projects are funded and operated by third parties, who elect to install an array of solar panels in a certain area. Energy created is delivered to the power grid and distributed by the utility company to homes and businesses subscribed to the service. 

Community solar allows you to affordably improve the environment on a larger scale. Find opportunities near you for leasing solar power by searching for community solar in Illinois

Combat global warming at home by following these 3 major ways for creating positive change.

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