
4 Tips to Enhance Your Audiobook Listening Experience

Audiobooks are everywhere now and can be purchased as individual titles, provided as part of a premium subscription, or even available freely on certain services. Most people find them extremely addictive, as they are a convenient way to ‘read’ books at odd hours when it wouldn’t be normally possible – such as when you’re stuck in a commute, working out, or just taking a walk.

If you have found yourself slowly but surely falling for audiobooks, it may interest you to know that there are several ways in which you can enhance your audiobook listening experience:

Invest in Bluetooth speakers – waterproof if possible

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Having a Bluetooth speaker will provide you with the option of listening to audiobooks more freely, as you won’t have to use earphones and yet it should be portable enough for you to move around. In fact if possible you may want to try getting Bluetooth speakers that are waterproof, as they’ll allow you to also listen to your audiobooks while you shower. It may sound a little bit odd, but honestly you probably won’t look back once you’ve tried it.

Speed up the playback

Most audiobook players now come with the option to increase the speed of the playback. Sometimes speeding it up slightly to 1.2 or 1.3 times the speed can dramatically alter the tone of the book, and also will save you quite a bit of time to boot. Be sure to experiment with different speeds, as often the ideal playback speed will vary from book to book.

Sample premium audiobooks

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Many people are often unsure whether premium audiobooks are worth what they cost – and it would be a good idea to sample some of the services to get an idea of the difference that comes with them. Most have better voice narrations, though some go above and beyond by offering individually voiced characters, sound effects, and much more.

Record free audiobook streams

How to Listen to Audiobooks on Android

Make no mistake there are lots of free audiobooks out there, particularly those by LibriVox that are books in the public domain read by volunteers. Rather than streaming these audiobooks, you could record and save them which will make them easier to transfer to your devices and allow you to listen to them offline.

To record and save audiobooks you’ll need a capture software – such as Movavi Screen Capture for Mac. It will let you learn how to record sound on Mac quickly, by capturing it directly from your speakers so you can then save it as an audio file. In this fashion you can easily save any audiobooks you happen to find interesting.

Of course that is by no means all that Movavi Screen Capture for Mac can do, and it can also be set up to record your screen. Its features will let you adjust the recording parameters, schedule the recording, and even trim out any unnecessary bits of video and audio once it is done. Be sure to try using it to save any audiobooks you feel you’d enjoy listening to no matter where you happen to be.

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