
5 Things Small Internet Startups can Learn from the Big Boys That Have Hit the Jackpot

The small internet startup is confident, yet vulnerable. Motivated, yet faced with uncertainty. It’s a tricky position to be in, but by looking up to the right businesses, it’s a rut that the startup can quickly dig itself out of.

Consequently, here are 5 things that small internet startups can learn from the bigger businesses that won big!

Ambition and Drive

10 Lessons History Teaches Us About Leadership

The two most important qualities for any new business, ambition and drive are key. There will be days for the small internet startup where inspiration wears thin, motivation starts running out and the wellbeing all involved takes a nosedive. Still, the big boys who have made it before know all of this too well, pushed through and succeeded anyway. Undoubtedly, that willingness to persevere means the battle is half won already and inspires the next generation of small internet startups.

Calm and Patience

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Knowing how to control their ambition is just as important as utilising it; determining when to strike out for an opportunity, and when to be steady and bide their time. They can learn this from the big boys, who will have a calm and professional demeanour. It’s called strategy, and it tides companies over during a lull in the business. Desperation yields mistakes, so maintaining a healthy enthusiasm at a perfect pitch is brilliant. For them, struggle and hardship is guaranteed, so knowing when to act is just as important as actually acting!

The Right Hire

4 Lessons Start-Ups Can Learn From Big Companies

It may be a small digital business, but it’s one that’s run by people. A small office space crammed with half a dozen conflicting personalities is a recipe for disaster. It’s not just about talent either. An internet startup will only build momentum if everyone is happy to be there and giving 100%, and one bad apple will spoil the bunch. Therefore, making sure that everyone gets on in the earliest stages is a big factor as to why bigger businesses have lasted so long.

Prioritising SEO

The Right Way To Choose An SEO Partner

A small internet startup has no business being on the internet if its not in the know about SEO. An acronym for Search Engine Optimization, SEO increases the online visibility of a business by listing websites higher in search engine rankings and social media websites through keywords and tags. There is no competing online without SEO, and every successful online business today has used it one form or another.

Tech Updates

Make Your Business Tech-riffic

An online business might seem simple enough, but those with experience in the field know otherwise. What started as ‘person on computer makes money’ suddenly becomes ‘person wades into the tech and online industries’, and suddenly you’re competing with everyone.

5 Ways SEO and Marketing Have Changed in the Past Five Years

Still, smaller internet startups can enlist the help of network service professionals, which offers a range of IT and cloud services for you to use to stay up to date and relevant. Sometimes, the big boys will help you out and do business with you!

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