Entertainment, Gaming, Tech

Exploring the Intersection of Gaming and Virtual Reality/Augmented Reality

The gaming industry has experienced a remarkable evolution with the emergence of virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR) technologies. These cutting-edge advancements have revolutionized our gaming experiences, blurring the


Entertainment, Gaming, Tech

Technologies That Will Change the World as We Know it!

Today, we live in the most technologically advanced time ever. But have you ever wondered where we will be in a decade or 25 years? It can give you thoughts


Business, Gadgets, Geek, Tech

Commercial Real Estate Is The New Horizon For Virtual Reality

Technological expansion we are witnessing nowadays is bringing about new ways of experiencing and doing things. Virtual Reality (VR) is relatively new feature or gadget if you prefer, that has


Gaming, Geek

The Yesteryear Of Gaming: Top 20 Arcade Machine Roms [INFOGRAPHIC]

Let’s look at how gaming has evolved over the years, journeying from where we are today to where it came from all those years ago. By doing this, you can


Gadgets, Tech

When Will VR Have Its Pokemon Go Moment?

Last year the world was introduced to augmented reality. The introduction didn’t come from somewhere expected – like a Microsoft Hololens event. Instead, it came from a game that has


Gaming, Geek, Tech

Why are Desktop Computers Becoming More Popular in a Mobile Age?

In the busy world we live in, it seems that there is now a focus on always being mobile. This has even transferred into the way we play games, with


Gaming, Geek, Tech

Why Retro Games Are Making A Comeback

When you leave the house; you don’t see people walking the streets adorned with Deeley Boppers and their least tasteful shellsuit covering their unmentionables. So, why is it suddenly becoming



The Latest In Gaming Today

No one wants to feel out of the loop. It’s no fun to be in a group conversation and have no idea what anyone is talking about! Picture yourself hanging